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Returns raw data from a Kirby instance for the given path.

Responses are cached by default between function calls for the same path based on a calculated hash of the path and fetch options.

Return Values

  • data: the result of the asynchronous function that is passed in.
  • refresh/execute: a function that can be used to refresh the data returned by the handler function.
  • error: an error object if the data fetching failed.
  • status: a string indicating the status of the data request ('idle', 'pending', 'success', 'error').
  • clear: a function which will set data to undefined, set error to null, set status to 'idle', and mark any currently pending requests as cancelled.

By default, Nuxt waits until a refresh is finished before it can be executed again.


By default, a unique key is generated based in input parameters for each request to ensure that data fetching can be properly de-duplicated across requests. To disable caching, set the cache option to false:

const { data } = await useKirbyData('api/my-path', {
  cache: false

Clear the cache for a specific path by calling the clear function. This will remove the cached data for the path and allow the next request to fetch the data from the server:

const { data, refresh, clear } = await useKirbyData('api/my-path')

async function invalidateAndRefresh() {
  await refresh()


<script setup lang="ts">
import type { KirbyApiResponse } from 'kirby-types'

interface KirbySitemapItem {
  url: string
  modified: string
  links: {
    lang: string
    url: string

const { data, refresh, error, status, clear } = await useKirbyData<KirbyApiResponse<KirbySitemapItem[]>>('api/__sitemap__')

      <li v-for="item in data?.result" :key="item.url">
        <a :href="item.url">{{ item.url }}</a>

    <button @click="refresh()">

Allow Client Requests


Authorization credentials will be publicly visible. Also, possible CORS issues ahead if the backend is not configured properly.

To fetch data directly from your Kirby instance without the Nuxt proxy, set the module option client to true:

// `nuxt.config.ts`
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-kql'],

  kql: {
    client: true

Now, every useKirbyData call will be directly use the Kirby instance by sending requests from the client:

const { data } = await useKirbyData('api/my-path')

Type Declarations

export function useKirbyData<T = any>(
  path: MaybeRefOrGetter<string>,
  opts: UseKirbyDataOptions<T> = {},
): AsyncData<T | null, NuxtError>

type UseKirbyDataOptions<T> = Omit<AsyncDataOptions<T>, 'watch'> & Pick<
  | 'onRequest'
  | 'onRequestError'
  | 'onResponse'
  | 'onResponseError'
  | 'query'
  | 'headers'
  | 'method'
  | 'body'
  | 'retry'
  | 'retryDelay'
  | 'retryStatusCodes'
  | 'timeout'
> & {
   * Language code to fetch data for in multi-language Kirby setups.
  language?: MaybeRefOrGetter<string>
   * Cache the response between function calls for the same path.
   * @default true
  cache?: boolean
   * Watch an array of reactive sources and auto-refresh the fetch result when they change.
   * Path and language are watched by default. You can completely ignore reactive sources by using `watch: false`.
   * @default undefined
  watch?: MultiWatchSources | false

useKirbyData infers all of Nuxt's useAsyncData options.

Released under the MIT License.