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Module Configuration


Adapt Nuxt KQL to your needs by setting module options in your nuxt.config.ts:

// `nuxt.config.ts`
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-kql'],

  kql: {
    // ... Your options here

Type Declarations

See the types below for a complete list of options.

interface ModuleOptions {
   * Kirby base URL, like ``
   * @default process.env.KIRBY_BASE_URL
  url?: string

   * Kirby KQL API route path
   * @default 'api/query' // for `basic` authentication
   * @default 'api/kql' // for `bearer` authentication
  prefix?: string

   * Kirby API authentication method
   * @remarks
   * Set to `none` to disable authentication
   * @default 'basic'
  auth?: 'basic' | 'bearer' | 'none'

   * Token for bearer authentication
   * @default process.env.KIRBY_API_TOKEN
  token?: string

   * Username/password pair for basic authentication
   * @default { username: process.env.KIRBY_API_USERNAME, password: process.env.KIRBY_API_PASSWORD }
  credentials?: {
    username: string
    password: string

   * Send client-side requests instead of using the server-side proxy
   * @remarks
   * By default, KQL data is fetched safely with a server-side proxy.
   * If enabled, query requests will be be sent directly from the client.
   * Note: This means your token or user credentials will be publicly visible.
   * If Nuxt SSR is disabled, this option is enabled by default.
   * @default false
  client?: boolean

   * Prefetch custom KQL queries at build-time
   * @remarks
   * The queries will be fully typed and importable from `#nuxt-kql`.
   * @default {}
  prefetch?: Record<
    KirbyQueryRequest | { query: KirbyQueryRequest, language: string }

   * Server-side features
  server?: {
     * Enable server-side caching of queries using the Nitro cache API
     * @see
    cache?: boolean

     * Name of the storage mountpoint to use for caching
     * @see
     * @default 'cache'
    storage?: string

     * Enable stale-while-revalidate behavior (cache is returned while it is being updated)
     * @see
     * @default false
    swr?: boolean

     * Number of seconds to cache the query response
     * @see
     * @default 1
    maxAge?: number

     * Log verbose errors to the console if a query fails
     * @remarks
     * This will log the full query to the console. Depending on the content of the query, this could be a security risk.
     * @default false
    verboseErrors?: boolean

Released under the MIT License.