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Error Handling

While the idea of this Nuxt module is to mask your Kirby API (and credentials) inside the server proxy, Nuxt KQL will minimize the hassle of handling errors by passing through the following properties to the response on the client:

  • Response Body
  • HTTP Status Code
  • HTTP Status Message
  • Headers

So if a request to Kirby fails, you can still handle the error response in your Nuxt application just as you would with a direct API call. In this case, both useKql and $kql will throw a NuxtError.

Logging the available error properties will give you insight into what went wrong:

// `data` will be of type `KirbyQueryResponse` if the request to Kirby itself succeeded
const { data, error } = await useKql({ query: 'site' })

// Log the error if the request to Kirby failed
  'Request failed with:',
  // Response body

NuxtError Type Declaration

interface NuxtError<DataT = unknown> extends H3Error<DataT> {}

// See
class H3Error<DataT = unknown> extends Error {
  static __h3_error__: boolean
  statusCode: number
  fatal: boolean
  unhandled: boolean
  statusMessage?: string
  data?: DataT
  cause?: unknown
  constructor(message: string, opts?: {
    cause?: unknown
  toJSON(): Pick<H3Error<DataT>, 'data' | 'statusCode' | 'statusMessage' | 'message'>

Released under the MIT License.