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Multi-Language Sites

Nuxt KQL provides seamless integration with multi-language Kirby sites using Nuxt i18n. This guide shows you how to set up and handle translated content effectively.


Install the official Nuxt i18n module before proceeding:

npx nuxi@latest module add i18n

Basic Usage

To fetch language-specific content, pass the language option with your query request. You can get the current locale from the useI18n composable:

const { locale } = useI18n()

// Get the German translation of the about page
const { data } = await useKql(
  { query: 'page("about")' },
  { language: locale.value }

Handling Dynamic Routes

For dynamic routes like pages/[...slug].vue, you will need to handle both the language code and the page slug.

Path Slug Without Locale Prefix

First, create a utility function in utils/locale.ts to extract the non-localized slug:

export function getNonLocalizedSlug(
  param: string | string[],
  locales: string[] = []
) {
  if (Array.isArray(param)) {
    param = param.filter(Boolean)

    // Remove locale prefix if present
    if (param.length > 0 && locales.includes(param[0])) {
      param = param.slice(1)

    return param.join('/')

  return param

Dynamic Page Component

A dynamic page component should handle translations and slug mismatches:

<script setup lang="ts">
const { locale, localeCodes } = useI18n()
const route = useRoute()

// Extract the non-localized slug
const pageUri = getNonLocalizedSlug(route.params.slug, localeCodes.value)

// Fetch page data for current language
const { data: pageData, error: pageError } = await useKql(
    query: `page("${pageUri || 'home'}")`,
    select: {
      title: true
      // Your required fields...
  { language: locale.value }

// Handle missing content (see below)...

Error Handling & Redirects

When working with translated content, you may want to handle pages that do not exist in the requested language. You can do this by loading an error page in the current language and setting the appropriate HTTP status code:

// Handle missing content
if (!pageData.value?.result) {
  // Load error page in current language
  const { data } = await useKql(
    { query: 'page("error")' },
    { language: locale.value }

  const event = useRequestEvent()
  if (event)
    setResponseStatus(event, 404)

  // Use error page data for rendering...

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